How do you arrange your books?
The Sydney Morning Herald wants to know!

Last week I was interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald about books and how we arrange them on our shelves. I was a bit excited to see my favourite room, some of my beautiful books, and my little dachshund, Rosie, featured in the paper.
#Shelfie is a popular hashtag of photos of aesthetically pleasing bookshelves.
The Sydney Morning Herald article, (which you can read HERE) discusses the art of the #Shelfie and the different ways of displaying our beloved books.
Some people arrange their books by colour, others by genre or size, or alphabetically. Or, as mentioned in the article, one Sydney writer thinks about which authors would want to be side by side, as if seated at a dinner party. I really like that idea, especially for an eclectic shelf of literary or classic fiction.
For me, I’ve found a nice mix between sorting my books by genre, fiction and non fiction, and creating a visually pleasing balance of colour blended with decor, plants, and ornaments.
So I can find what I need quickly, I have arranged my books from A to Z (mainly) and in the following categories:
Fiction: Adult , Literary & Classics, Poetry, Crime, Romance, Fantasy & Sci-Fi/Speculative, Junior Fiction, Children’s Classics, Picture Books.
Non Fiction: Information Books, Travel Books, Self Help & How To, Women’s Stories, General Non Fiction, Pets, Science & Tech, and War Stories.
As mentioned in the Sydney Morning Herald article, I do cheat a little with the arrangement of the books. They may not be all stored alphabetically… I may have have mixed it up a bit here and there with colour and books with common themes.