Self-publishing a book is hard work, mostly because it’s so bloody scary –
…. which is why I joined Self-Publishing School to launch Destination Dachshund. And, even within that great community of writers and the helpful course modules it was still scary. For several reasons there were still many unknown factors in the publishing process:
- The course was mainly geared toward standard non-fiction,
- It was mainly geared to the American market, and as such not all the course worked for me as an Australian writer,
- It did not provide much information about print book options – only ebook.
All authors, writers, or any artists anywhere will have the same fears when launching their art in the world, in what ever form it takes – but for the indie author who doesn’t have the backing of a publishing house, and doesn’t want to pay a few thousand dollars for a course like I did (I figured it was way cheaper than the cost of my husband converting his Ducati 1098s into a street fighter. He has his hobbies and I have mine, haha!), and has no experience in ebook or print options, front and back matter, ebook or print book formatting, book covers, setting up a launch team, keywords, metadata, ISBN and barcodes, or how to get your book into online bookstores – then it can become overwhelming.
Holding your print book in your hands is the ultimate goal for a writer but it just doesn’t seem to happen to everyone as much as they may strive for it. There are so many fantastic stories written by amazing people, but that does not guarantee publication. Talent is not enough. To me it is a combination of talent, perseverance, and being in the right place at the right time.
I’ve personally witnessed many writers reach the conclusion that despite years of writing (and I mean years and years), dozens of writing courses and workshops, blogging, mentorships, costly structural edits, the ‘almost’ pick-ups by an agent or publisher, and lots of wine – that maybe, just maybe they might have to take their writing career into their own hands.
Self-publishing may open the doors to your future writing career – it may not – but why not take the chance on yourself? It certainly shows that your serious about your writing and willing to take risks.
Bookends Publishing
My 2017 goals include not only publishing two more books of my own through my newly created publishing house Bookends Publishing, but to also help other writers publish their own books. Next year I will release a series of step-by-step PDF guides on how to self-publish, as well as a more detailed ebook.
The first wonderful writer I am providing some advice to is Robin Elizabeth with her heartfelt, moving, and funny memoir ‘Confessions of a Mad Mooer’: Postnatal Depression Sucks’ about her time in a psychiatric hospital after having gone through postnatal depression with both her daughter and her identical twin boys.
I can’t wait to share her book with you!
Visit Robin’s website Write or Wrong for more information about the book and her commentary on PND. Next week, the 13th to the 19th November is Postnatal Depression Awareness Week and Robin will be writing a daily blog on PND. If you or someone you know has been touched by PND then tune into to Robin’s blog here.